Sun, Jan 24, 2010
The goal of evangelism is the sort of world God wants everyone to live in. Jesus called it "the kingdom of God."
Sun, Nov 15, 2009
Jesus Appoints the Twelve
Sun, Nov 01, 2009
Duration: 20 mins 43 secs
The good news is that Jesus is the evidence that the kingdom of God has come near. And one day all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. And we have a part to play in that kingdom.
Sun, Sep 27, 2009
Duration: 32 mins 15 secs
A contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal - or between Jahweh and Baal.
Sun, Sep 20, 2009
Most of the time Elijah was living by faith and not by sight because he knew that God was in control.
Sun, Sep 06, 2009
Living with Humility And Hope
Sun, Aug 16, 2009
Duration: 23 mins 51 secs
Living for God
Sat, Jul 25, 2009
Living Holy Lives