Sun, Mar 14, 2021
Duration: 23 mins 30 secs
Let's make sure we're a church of branches who remain in Jesus. And who bear much fruit
Sun, Feb 21, 2021
Jesus form of leadership is to serve those he came to save.
Sun, Oct 25, 2020
Duration: 24 mins 58 secs
This is a hugely confronting episode in Israel’s life. But it highlights for us an amazing opportunity. To leave the guilt of our sin behind every time it happens. For us to confess our sin. To take up by faith in Jesus the fresh start he offers us by the sacrifice of his life.
Sun, Oct 04, 2020
The story of Rahab is one dramatic scene in God’s grand epic blockbuster. What we see in the life of this one sinful woman will one day be seen in the lives of sinners from every nation as God draws his blockbuster to an end when Jesus returns. And to a new beginning.
Sun, Sep 20, 2020
Duration: 23 mins 37 secs
We work because God first worked. Ourwork is also service. We work for God as much as for our employer. We rest because God rested but for the Christian, rest is rest with God.
Sun, Aug 23, 2020
Duration: 21 mins 53 secs
Being a Christian implies obedience to god'swill. when we fail we confess and God will forgive us. We improve buy practice so a rule of life helps us.